Image Optimization for WordPress & Magento

The fastest and most reliable way to optimize images and speed up your blog or business

Customer review from Louise Rhodes with 5 stars

"My page speed improved a lot"
— Louise Rhodes

Customer review from Rickey Yaneza with 5 stars

"The best image optimizer on planet Earth"
— Rickey Yaneza

Customer review from Kay van Aarssen with 5 stars

"Best support ever"
— Kay van Aarssen

Customer review from Tim Brand with 5 stars

"Super fast, super easy"
— Tim Brand

Customer review from Dan Knauss with 5 stars

"I don't think you can get better results"
— Dan Knauss

Customer review from Douglas Karr with 5 stars

"Much needed in the industry"
— Douglas Karr

Customer review from Jody Nesbitt with 5 stars

"Superior to other similar products"
— Jody Nesbitt

Customer review from Hubertus T. Huber with 5 stars

"Never seen such great plugin"
— Hubertus T. Huber

Customer review from Markc Allen with 5 stars

"The support is superb"
— Markc Allen

Customer review from Hayley Marsden with 5 stars

"Totally worth the subscription"
— Hayley Marsden

Customer review from Matt Sells with 5 stars

"The best way to optimize images I have seen"
— Matt Sells

Customer review from Murat Tekmen with 5 stars

"This tool is simply awesome"
— Murat Tekmen

Screencast for WordPress plugin for WordPress

Connect your WordPress blog to API with ease by installing our WordPress plugin, and stop worrying about bloated, slow-loading pages. Once installed, all new image uploads will be automatically optimized on-the-fly. Existing image uploads can be optimized using our Bulk Tool.

Getting started with the plugin is very easy; watch the screencast for the quickest way to get going, and find additional information on our WordPress Plugin Page.

Download WordPress PluginSee Plans and Pricing
Screencast for Magento plugin for Magento

Greatly speed up your Magento store and thus increase your conversions with ease using the Magento Extension, which will allow you to automatically optimize your media images, skin images and product image cache.

Watch the screencast to learn how to use our Magento extension, and find out more on our Magento Extension page on Magento Connect. Feel free to reach out to Support with any questions you might have.

Download Magento ExtensionSee Plans and Pricing